Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kennett Square, PA is a connectional member of the West/Mainline District of the Philadelphia Conference of the First Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at large.
The Officers and Members of Bethel Kennett Square A.M.E. Church have established a warm and friendly atmosphere at our Church. Our major goal is to bring souls to Christ and to combine and strengthen ourselves Spiritually through Prayer, Bible Study and Worship Servicess . We offer the opportunity to also Worship at the Conference, District and Connectional levels.
The history of Bethel Church is inspiring, beginning with the laying of the foundation in 1893 by Rev. William Emery from Philadelphia. The frame was built by Rev. William Williams in 1896. The great day of dedication came two years later, in 1898 with Bishop Abraham L. Grant presiding. The text of his sermon was taken from Genesis 28:17. Trustees of the Church at the time were Bros. Perry Stout, Joseph Carter, Samuel Davis, and, James Wilson.
Before moving to its present site, members met on North Walnut Street in the Carter home. Some of the first families were the J. Carters, W. Websters, James Wilsons, Lorenzo Butchers, Henry Conners, Samuel Davises, Perry Stouts, and, W. Brown. Some of these families are still represented in Bethel by their children or grandchildren.
Through the years, Bethel A.M.E. Church has labored under the leadership of several pastors, including: the Reverends J. Sherman, S. Wilmore, F. L. Harris, R. J. Cooper, C. T. Hughes and A. N. Clark, each striving for bigger and better things. During Rev. Shaw’s pastorate the basement was remodeled. In 1914, when Rev. Edwards was pastor, the parsonage at 314 E. Linden St. was purchased. Under Rev. Ford’s leadership pulpit furniture and arch were secured. A new furnace was installed during Rev. A. N. Clark’s pastorate. Rev. J. Ragin came in 1956 and much was accomplished. Projects included: Church siding, installation of a new roof, stained glass windows, and, an organ. The basement was redefined and the sidewalk was laid. Reverends W. Peterkin, J. E. Lee, A.R, S. T. Cooper, and H. H. Cooper also served Bethel well.
The Sabbath School was traditionally well attended, with various outstanding superintendents, including the late Mrs. Rhodell Driggins who performed many notable deeds. Her successor, Sis. Blanche J. Wells, served from 1956-1994. During that time Bethel had one the largest Sunday Schools in Southern Chester County. Sis Wells was followed by Evangelist Margaret Valentine, Sis. Hope Boddy, Sis. Lisa Bass, and, Sis. Colleen Hicks.
In June of 1971, Rev. Melvin D. Wayns, Jr. was appointed Pastor. During this time, extensive renovations were made, including: Pastor’s Study, Church Official/Choir Room, Narthex, new kitchen area, and, central air conditioning. The DeBaptiste Funeral Home and the Youth Choir, under the direction of Sis. Mildred Lee had the steeple and public address system installed. Bethel was rededicated in 1974 by Rev. Dr. John Middleton, former president of Morris Brown College.
In June 1987, the church’s mortgage was paid seven years ahead of schedule under the leadership of Rev. W. Larry Johnson. The mortgage burning ceremony was on Saturday, November 7, 1987 and performed by Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings. Our host pastor, Rev. Jonathan L. Wade former pastors, officers, members and friends attended this joyous event. Rev. George McMillan helped develop a program for the youth, inspiring young people of Bethel and the surrounding community. Reverends Lee F. Lewis and George Jones, Sr. had the church’s windows secured from damage. The Pastors of Bethel A.M.E. Church have done great work.
Under the leadership of Pastor Edward D. Payne, we celebrated our 100th Anniversary with a banquet held at the Longwood Inn.
Rev. Granville Dennison and the Trustees installed carpet, a handicapped accessible restroom and ramp. Mrs. Verna Cuff served as advisor for all of the updates on the parsonage renovations (new carpet, painting, electrical work, and, room. Bethel A.M.E. Church was indepted to Bro. Smith, Sis. Cuff, and many others for their advice, help, money, and time.
In May of 2001, Rev. Lanxton Leon Washington was appointed to Bethel. His mission was to unite the community by caring, sharing, and loving one another. He did great work during his two-year assignment. He exhibited leadership, fundraising skills, and, energy. He introduced the youth the YPD and formed a Lay Organization. A new piano was purchased during his time with us.
Rev. Anthony P. Booker was appointed Pastor in February 2006. During his tenure, the Pulpit furniture and the church pews were cushioned, and, a baby grand piano was obtained. Our most recent mortgage was paid in full and the church is debt-free. Our parsonage, under the care of Sis. Theresa Bass, has undergone renovations, and, is currently occupied, providing the church with additional income.
Rev. Stoney Daggett was appointed Pastor in July 2008 through May 2010 and helped sustain the community programs here at Bethel. Rev. Dr. Deborah Reynolds was appointed as Pastor in June of 2010. She was the first female ever appointed here at Bethel A.M.E., Kennett Square, and led the church ably.
Rev. Michelle Pinkney-McBeth has served as Pastor since May of this year, 2014. Rev. McBeth stated that, “It is my desire that this House be filled. And the Lord will do it!”
This History of Bethel A.M.E. Church stands a legacy to the Pastors and people who have gone on before. Once you know where you’ve come from, you can know where you are going!”
In 1962, much of this History was told by the late Rev. Walter Webster and written by Sis. Irene J. Sharp; updated September 30 2002 by Sis. Blanche J. Wells; updated October 28, 2006 by Sheila D. Booker, and updated by the Steward Board, thereafter.